Change is in the air

Image from Photobucket
I love the feeling of Autumn.  The feeling that anything is possible blows through my home with every crisp breeze.  A few leaves have already started to let go of the trees, and I know in my bones that transformation is just around the corner.

I used to fear change.  I used to experience change as something that was happening to me, and I was terribly uncomfortable with that loss of control. 

But then there were times as I got older, and especially once I became a parent, where I found myself craving change.  I started to learn how to make change happen to benefit myself and my family.  I became a change maker

The secret is to start small and keep moving

It's helpful to have a vision of where you want to go, what you want things to look like.  But it's important to dial back from there.  What is the first small change that will start moving your family toward that goal?  Try one little change out for a while.  See how it goes.  Celebrate when it works.  When it doesn't, investigate it and figure out why.  Try something else instead.   

Nature makes no time for clinging or resisting change.  We are moving around the Sun.  Just as those leaves will surely change color and let go, so too will you let go of the things that aren't working for your family.  Unsatisfied with the way siblings are interacting with eachother?  Wishing you all had more time together?  Now is your time to be a change maker.

Start small.

Keep moving.


I'm excited to announce that my next Simplicity Parenting Course starts October 2!  Held at the beautiful Meadowbrook Waldorf School in West Kingston, Rhode Island this program is open to the public.  We will meet Tuesday mornings for 7 weeks to explore Kim John Payne's book and MAKE REAL CHANGES AT HOME.  I will show you the way to simple pleasures, deeper family connections and more fun!  Check out the details on My Programs Page.

1 comment:

VIna Barham said...

Hi Allison,

Yes to starting small! :) I'm a Simplicity Parenting Mama too. For the most part. :) Xo, Vina