I could get used to this.

I could get used to this.  This being still thing.  This getting grounded in the here and now

Our lives are influenced by so many rhythms- seasonal rhythms, lunar patterns, the rhythms of our days and our weeks.  I know this to be true and yet, I still find myself amazed when I step back and observe it. 

So often when we are tired or blue or our energy is low we feel like we must push on through it.  Taking a break, or expecting less of ourselves feels like a cop out.  Especially when we all know at least 10 women who do it all with absolute style and grace!  Why should I let myself off the hook?

Let me tell you, letting yourself off the hook is not a cop out!  It is actually you tuning into the natural rhythm of life.  Everyone has highs and lows; we have energy and enthusiasm; and then we have darkness and doubt.  It is so very perfectly normal.  So perfect in its predictability, and in the way the changes make us feel every single time. 

When we let ourselves off the hook and stop beating ourselves up for feeling less than, we can create the space we need to get grounded in the real feelings.  The quieter we are, the more compassionate we are toward ourselves, the more open we actually become to that brighter mood. Waiting it out, rather than pushing through it, is a huge shift.  It requires us to trust that we are normal, and that we are going to get our energy and enthusiasm back.  It requires us to withhold judgement and believe that we are worthy of generous doses of self-care.

And then, almost without notice we are smiling again, we are painting with our kids, we are welcoming light and joy back into our days.  Perfect rhythm.




Raising Z and Lil C said...

Thanks Allison, I really needed this post today. Today was a low day, filled with self-doubt and worry. All I wanted to do was climb in bed and read instead of tackling the laundry, the dishes and the rest of the to do list. Instead of crawling under the covers I spent some time playing with the kids. This 20 minutes of engaged time left me laughing and so much happier. This post came today when I really needed it, Thank You!

Allison Abramson said...

Play is so good for the soul, isn't it? Thanks for sharing this story today, Jess!

Bhagavan said...

Thank you. So many times I catch myself thinking I need to do more, and if I do relax I think that I'm copping out. Thank you for the reminder to have self compassion.

Allison Abramson said...

Thank you for visiting, Bhagavan!

Laurel said...

Oh my goodness! This is just what I needed to read. I love subtle, but life-changing, perception shifts like these. I have just been through a couple of "off" days and what you said about waiting it out instead of always pushing through really resonated with me. Thank you!

Allison Abramson said...

It's those tiny shifts that make all the difference, isn't it, Laurel? Thank you for writing!