Welcome, spring!

Moving through this year, I am making a more conscious effort to connect with earth and nature on a daily basis. Even a short walk around the yard or to the mailbox on a cold day has given me enough time to breathe deeply and notice the world around me. This is a grounding practice. It gets me out of my head for a bit and back in tune with something larger than myself. It replenishes my patience and my sense of gratitude. And, as I notice little changes on the landscape each day, I am coming to know this place that I now call home.

So, perhaps this transition from winter to spring has been my favorite so far. I love all the signs of life emerging from beneath winter’s snowy cloak. Everything is so very ripe with possibility at this time of year!

For that reason, it’s a great time to check in with ourselves about the direction we’re headed for the year ahead. The holiday rush and new year’s frenzy is well behind us, and a quiet time to reflect on our wishes and desires for the year now presents itself.

· How are you doing?

· Does family life feel vibrant and fun?

· Were you able to enjoy moments of relaxation and self-care during the quiet of winter, or are you left longing for more?

· Is there a creative project or other adventure you’d like to pursue this season (either solo or as a family)?

· What will you need to make sure it happens?

On this first day of spring, we express gratitude for the many blessings in our lives, while acknowledging what is needed to bring more balance into our days. What seeds can we plant today to replenish pure happiness, health and well-being?

Today, I wish all of these things for you.

xo, Allison

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