Parenting Simply: Starting the Conversation

I’ve been thinking a lot about new beginnings lately. Maybe it’s all of the change that Fall brings, or the way the cooler, darker weather invites introspection, but I’ve been thinking about what families need in order to have a fresh start.

Whenever I bring together a new Simplicity Parenting Group as I did recently at Meadowbrook Waldorf School, the first conversation we have is always about Values. I ask the group to fast forward ten or twenty years and picture their children grown. You can try this, too…jump over to Kidoinfo for more.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Allison, I've discovered your blog from Hannah Marcotti. I love the work you're doing, really inspiring! And this post hits home for me, with my two year old girl, wondering what she'll be like as an adult. The journey of motherhood is softer with other mothers like you in the world.